It is possible for the cells of many cut flowers, garden plants, bushes and trees to grow into completely new plants, on the proviso that the environment in which they are cultivated has the best climate conditions. To ensure the tissue cultivation succeeds, growers need to be able to control such variables as temperature, humidity and light intensity separately and with the highest degree of accuracy. Furthermore, the environment will need to be stable as well as sterile (or semi-sterile). The 15-layer and 10-layer (waterproof) Leaf Carrier cultivation trolleys from Bever Innovations are perfect for this purpose.

The key benefits for the production of plant tissues:
Plant tissue cultivation has several major benefits. It enables exact copies to be produced of plants that bear good-quality flowers and fruits. Moreover, it reduces the chances of plant diseases being communicated and pests being passed on and enables healthy plants to be propagated exceedingly rapidly. Tissue cultivation is often done in Petri dishes, which are filled with a medium (e.g. agar) in which various nutrients have been dissolved. Then, with the right temperature, humidity and light conditions, the shoots emerge from the tissues and are subsequently cut and rooted. Once the baby plants reach sufficient size, they can be transferred to potting soil to continue growing into mature plants in a greenhouse.
In order to optimally encourage development from cell to young plant and maximise margins, an increasing number of growers are choosing to use the Leaf Carrier cultivation trolleys from Bever Innovations. And rightly so!

Maximum cultivation surface per m² floor space
The Leaf Carriers distinguish themselves by way of a minimum thickness (9 mm) and maximum load-bearing capacity in terms of plant trays. Integrating the LEDs into the trays that contain the baby plants has resulted in maximum cultivation surface per square metre of cultivation chamber. The largest trolley (2.27 metres in height) can easily hold up to 15 plant trays, giving you over 14 m2 of cultivation surface on just 1 m2 of floor area! Enabling you to grow several tens of thousands of baby plants on a single cultivation trolley. A single 15-layer Leaf Carrier has the equivalent capacity of at least five standard CC/Danish trolleys!
The 10-layer Leaf Carrier stands 2.00 metres tall and provides at least 9.4 m² of cultivation surface. An optional, stainless steel plate can be fitted on this Leaf Carrier. This can support more weight too. Consider in this regard such additions as water containers to provide all the plant tissues with sufficient water on demand.

Precisely the right spectrum of colour
The unique, energy-efficient LED lighting in the Leaf Carriers combines the red and blue light essential for tissue cultivation. Due to the fact that the light is being mixed at source, each cultivation dish on the tray is given exactly the right colour spectrum. In combination with optimum heat distribution, the Leaf Carriers ensure that your plant tissues emerge and grow uniformly, both in the middle and at the edge of each tray. As no distance needs to be factored in for light mixing, all plant pots or Petri dishes can be positioned very close to the LEDs, without the risk of burning them.
Plant tissues emerging uniformly, growing stably
Correct placement of the LEDs and a clever structure to the translucent trays ensure uniform lighting. Both in the middle and at the edge of the trays, meaning you can rest assured that your plant tissues will emerge uniformly and their growth will be stable. The high degree of light uniformity means that the distance between the cultivation dishes and the plate above can be considerably smaller than is the case with traditional systems.

No risk of heating up/drying out
The LED lighting in the Leaf Carriers scarcely generates any heat, preventing heat generation under the baby plants as well as evaporation (water loss). Meaning that there is no possibility of the plant cells being heated up and/or drying out with the Leaf Carriers.
Distinguishing features of the Leaf Carriers:
Mobile cultivation trolley prevents products from having to be transferred
Moving the Leaf Carriers from the cultivation area through to the processing department and vice versa is straightforward. Thus saving valuable (transfer) time.
No major upfront investment
What’s more, the mobile, flexible, plug-and-play Leaf Carriers mean that no major upfront investment is required. All you need is a room with power supply! Why not just start with a single 15-layer or 10-layer Leaf Carrier and add cultivation trolleys as your business grows?
Great Return On Investment (ROI)
Climate chambers, labs and in vitro environments entail relatively high investment (CAPEX) and operational costs (OPEX). A high Return On Investment is made possible due to the Leaf Carriers allowing for an extremely high plant density: up to 14 m² of cultivation surface per square metre of floor space.
Minimalistic, functional, robust and hygienic design
The Leaf Carriers distinguish themselves by means of their minimalistic, functional, robust and hygienic design. All cables, power supply units and intelligence have been incorporated into the frame of the cultivation trolleys, thereby minimising the trolleys’ susceptibility to damage and preventing dirt from accumulating anywhere. Both the trays and the frames are extremely easy to clean. Making the Leaf Carrier well suited to being used in climate chambers, labs and in vitro environments.

An optimum growth climate at minimal energy consumption
The Leaf Carriers come with the Smart Technology from Bever Innovations Horticulture Lighting as standard, enabling users to manage and control plant trays straightforwardly and separately. An app on your smartphone or tablet not only makes it easy to switch the light on the trays on and off but also enables on and off times to be (pre-)programmed and light intensities (μmol) to be adjusted. Both for each individual cultivation trolley and for each individual tray and entirely in accordance with the (cycle) needs of your plant tissues. An optimum growth climate at minimal energy consumption is the sustainable result.
An Internet/Wi-Fi infrastructure is not required to be able to use the Smart Technology locally. Anyone wishing to be able to also manage and control the cultivation trolleys remotely and through the Bever Innovations web portal will find it sufficient to add a special Connected Bridge (gateway) with Internet connection.